3 Ways ABA Therapy Can Help Your Autistic Child

21 October 2022
 Categories: Relationships & Family, Blog

Do you have a child who has been diagnosed with autism? Do they struggle to complete basic functions or tasks like getting dressed, communicating, or interacting with others? Despite all the research into autism, it is still a largely mysterious condition. Many kids with autism have wonderful personalities and unique traits, but they also struggle with basic activities.

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy is a proven, effective way to help autistic kids learn basic skills and mechanisms that can make life easier for them and their loved ones. ABA therapy has helped autistic children learn to communicate, clean up after themselves, and even participate in school and other social activities. ABA is a one-on-one exercise in which a therapist comes to your home and works directly with your child as they go through their day. They reinforce positive behaviors and discourage those behaviors that are unwanted. Below are a few ways in which ABA therapy can help your child.

Improved functionality

Many of the positive behaviors that are reinforced in ABA therapy are very basic functions that most people take for granted. They include things like getting dressed, preparing basic foods, cleaning up after one's self, and even things like tying one's shoes. Those may sound simple, but it can transformational for an autistic child to do those things on their own. It can also be transformative for you and everyone else in the household as your child will gain a bit of independence.

Increased opportunities

Communication is a big part of ABA therapy. Your therapist will spend a great deal of time helping your child better communicate their wishes and thoughts. The level of communication depends on your child's challenges. It may be simply using hand signals or pictures to communicate, or it could be more advanced therapy on how to articulate feelings and wants. 

Communication is usually the biggest obstacle preventing autistic kids from participating in activities like school, sports, and other social events. With improved communication skills, your child may have a greater ability to go to school, make friends, and possibly even hold a job someday.

Help with other conditions

Children with autism often struggle with other issues like depression, ADHD, anger, and anxiety. ABA therapy has been shown to help with all of those conditions. As kids improve their functionality and independence, they often gain confidence which helps them overcome challenges that previously caused them stress and anxiety. ABA therapy has proven helpful with a wide range of mental and emotional issues.

Contact a therapist in your area to learn more about ABA therapy. They can help you determine what course of therapy is best for your child.
